Getting Into the Spirit! , Inspirational

101 Best Christmas Quotes for the 2023 Christmas Season

There is something about Christmas that makes people stop and reflect, and I believe that the majority of these Christmas quotes are the result of their authors doing just that. As I was researching these 101 Christmas quotes for this article, I was struck by how often the themes of togetherness, nostalgia, comfort, and hope are evident in people’s thoughts of Christmas. Kindness, generosity, and giving are also represented here, as are renewing and starting over.

We look back on Christmases past with fondness, and we look forward to Christmases future with joy and anticipation. Christmas gives us the opportunity to be the best versions of ourselves. Some of the Christmas quotes featured here also serve as a reminder that Christmas isn’t about what’s under the tree.

Inspirational , Season of Giving

My Grandma’s Christmas Legacy

This image is a Christmas stocking that my grandmother made for my daughter when she was just a baby. Although my grandma spelled Kristen’s name with an i instead of an e, there is just something about seeing my daughter’s name in my grandma’s handwriting that means so much to me, especially now that grandma is gone. Kristen still hangs the handmade stocking, that’s missing a few of the sequins that grandma hand sewed on it. Some of my earliest memories are of my Grandma Slankerd making things. If she […]


Don’t Be a Modern-Day Scrooge or Grinch

Earlier this week, a co-worker and I were arriving about 20 minutes early for a conference. We’re not from the city, so we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time to arrive. As we entered the parking garage, we slowed down in order to find a parking place. As with many business parking garages, this garage has a lot of reserved parking places, reserved for those who work in the attached building. This is where we had our encounter with modern-day Scrooges and Grinches. Some may call them “Karens,” a […]


Christmas is Love

“Christmas, my child, is love in action.” – Dale Evans Upon first reading this quote, I immediately thought of family: my (now adult) kids and grandkids. Then, I began remembering Christmases when I was younger – how my mom and grandmother made Christmas feel special, like being wrapped in a warm hug. Then, I reflected on Christ’s love. Then, on one of my favorite Biblical quotes: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting […]


Keeping Christmas in our Hearts

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol What do we mean by “Keeping Christmas”? If you’re visiting this page, perhaps you have come to the realization that I have: I will be a much happier person, a much better friend, daughter, parent, grandparent, employee, etc. if I were […]

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