Keeping Christmas in our Hearts

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

What do we mean by “Keeping Christmas”?

A Christmas Carol quote.

If you’re visiting this page, perhaps you have come to the realization that I have: I will be a much happier person, a much better friend, daughter, parent, grandparent, employee, etc. if I were to strive to keep Christmas in my heart throughout the year. I’m not here to debate when we should put up our Christmas tree or break out the Christmas lights. However, there are many things that we do at Christmas that contribute to the magical feeling that we associate with Christmas, apart from the Christmas decorations.

Making Magic

  • We listen to positive music and watch positive movies: What we take in daily effects our mood!
  • We are more giving. We look for ways to give, not only to those we love, but also to those who are in need. Giving may be in the form of money, presents, or time. We give, without the expectation of getting something in return.
  • We cook more and eat out less. We put down the electronics and eat together at the table.
  • We take the time, or make the time, to spend with family.
  • We wish each other a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, and we’re generally just kinder to each other. We smile at each other and give compliments more.
  • We reflect on our year and start the process of creating resolutions.
  • We draw closer to Christ!

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So, Dear Reader, what have you noticed that people do to make Christmas a magical, hopeful, merry and bright time of year? How can we hold onto those feelings throughout all 365 days of the year?

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